A Chat with Sean Gaillard on the #PrincipalLinerNotes Podcast | #TechWithHeart #edchat #edtech #podcastedu
I met Sean Gaillard on Twitter years ago, and he quickly became a go-to education leader who I looked to for both inspiration and to fuel my passion for the work I was doing within my school & beyond. I so admire Sean’s leadership style and genuine care. Beyond what I learn from his actions and the reflective musings he shares on Twitter and on his podcast, I am lucky to call Sean a friend. He’s constantly uplifting and amplifying my work, encouraging me, and taking the time to make me feel like I’m doing work that truly makes a difference.
I had the honor and privilege to sit down with Sean to record an episode on The Principal Liner Notes Podcast.
I love these show highlights that @StephRothEDU shared out after listening:
Recording this episode was such a joyful experience! I hope that you hear that in our voice, and I hope that you take away a lot of useful tidbits for yourself.